The Beginner's Guide to ParentingIf you have or will be having children in the near future you've probably found yourself thinking, "I wish there was a how to for parenting", or "I could sure use a manual right now"! You'll get a lot of advice along the way. Some well-meaning and very helpful, some unsolicited, some when you least expect it, and sometimes you'll find yourself in complete shock about advice people give out. All will happen at some point, you can bank on it!It possible you've searched "parenting" or "baby manual" and found this blog.
The Beginner's Guide to Parenting includes 5 fundamental components:
1. There is no right or wrong way to parent your children only different ways.Different strokes for different folks! As long as you are led with love and good intention in your heart and not fear or anger you are doing the best anyone can do with/for your child. As a childbirth educator I often hear, “I just want to make the right decisions for my baby." Take a nice, slow, deep breath in and exhale and say, “I am enough." Now believe that! No one loves your baby or is more capable of raising your child than Y-O-U! We are all winging it!
2. Parenting styles vary!Sure, mom jeans are a "thing", but we're not talking about your wardrobe. We're talking about your approach! As you hear others talk or your read about parenting styles know that your "style" will be what works for you, your spouse, and your baby! A style will take shape naturally . Parenting styles are usually discovered over time between you and your children. Often times we see ourselves parenting one way and even start out parenting that way. Then we end up adjusting our "style" as we go about our daily lives as parents. Each child may even require different parenting styles. After all they are different individuals with unique needs, just as you and your spouse. Think love languages.You want to room in with your baby, great! You want to put your baby's crib in the their own room straight away, great! Your family will have its own "fly" style that just works! Believe that!
3. Trust your instincts.If you are like so many parents today you're connected daily to the vast sea of information that is the internet. Trying to differentiating between interpretation and science and decide on what is "best" on topics like pregnancy, birth, and parenting can be overwhelming. My suggestion is to seek reliable sources that you connect with personally, be it a book, a pediatrician, or a friend. Be open to hearing new ideas and learning new ways of doing things. But, at the end of the day your instincts should always trump the information and advice when it comes to parenting!
4. You will make mistakes and that is more than okay.Sometimes you will find yourself high-fiving your spouse and smiling over your parenting wins! Other times you'll be reduced to tears, upset and even confusion. It will happen, don't beat yourself up. Recognizing your own mistakes and learning from them only helps you be a better parent! As your children grow they will learn from you that it is okay to make mistakes and learn from ourselves. You can't have wins without understanding loss! Every loss learned is a win!
5. Enjoy parenting your children. It is a gift some never experience.Eighteen years can sound like a lot; some days seem much longer and harder than others. You will only have a baby for a year, a toddler for two, and a child for ten. Those are the years to create a strong foundation of love, acceptance, and whatever it is you value as a parent! After that you're still and will always be a parent, but your role begins to shift slightly away from protector towards being a guide.From joy to challenges, to tears of happy and sad, and every single possible emotion in between parenting is the ultimate rollercoaster ride! There are very few jobs in this World that are as important as parenting. What gifts do you want to hand down to our future scientist, parents, lawyers, bookkeepers, mechanics, doctors, teachers, doulas, writers, and pilots?
I hope The Beginner's Guide to Parenting helped each of you feel less overwhelmed and more "ready" to step right into the role of parenting! Get your free The Beginner's Guide to Parenting printable here.