Sleep and Help with Meals and Housework after Giving Birth
This week alone we've heard, "We should've hired a doula to get sleep and help with meals and housework after giving birth," at least ten times. Ten times this week alone! That means there is a general consensus that families do want and very much need help after giving birth.
Who more deserving of sleep and help than new parents raising the future generation?
They want to get a healthy amount of sleep, not even an abundance of it. Shoot, most new parents can't even imagine what an abundance of sleep feels like. For the majority a short 30-60 minute nap along with a minimum of 4-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep each day is enough to maintain mental, emotional, and physical health. Many aren't getting that though. On average the majority of new parents are only getting three-and-a-quarter hours sleep each night for the first two years of their children's lives. Sleep-deprivation can lead to unhealthy habits and unsafe conditions for both parents and their children. Someone's grandchildren!
Food! I think we all speak that love language, amiright?
New parents are praying that someone, anyone will hear their stomach's cry for a decent meal and that during their night the snack fairy will arrive and save them! After all how will they keep up with their wakeful newborns and maintain a sense of normalcy without nourishing their bodies?
The other universal love language is L-A-U-N-D-R-Y and D-I-S-H-E-S! New parents may wear boogies as an accessory and the newest eau de spit-up fragrance, but it doesn't mean they have to start their day that way. To see the mile high pile of laundry and dishes disappear would be like the magic of childhood again! When the subject comes up organically I tell people there are three things you need to know when visiting a home with a newborn.
Bring food for the new family!
Wash your hands upon arrival!
A load of dishes, laundry, or both are required if you're going to hang out for longer than 5 minutes.