Google Is Not Your Doula
Google is not your doula! Let's face it, the internet, a.k.a. the World Wide Web, a.k.a the information super highway is exploding with information, lots of information. Good, bad, and some just downright nasty information! D.I.Y. videos, recipes, home remedies, studies, articles, and diagrams, it's all spewing all over the place.
Every topic imaginable and even the unimaginable can be found online.
Most of us have a love-hate relationship with the internet. At time there seems to be too much information to sort through online. Understanding what is legit and what is bunk can be daunting, especially when you are pregnant! Commonly googled questions pregnant moms ask include:
I am spotting, could I be having a miscarriage?
I am worried about x, y, and z, is this normal? I feel like something is wrong.
I feel so tired, why?
Will my body know what to do in labor?
How will I know when I'm in labor?
Which vaccines are best for my baby?
Should I circumcise or leave my baby intact?
Is massage o.k. during pregnancy?
When should I get an epidural?
Can I breastfeed with small breasts? And the list goes on and on! As a newly pregnant mom, be it the first time or third, there's a really good chance you'll google at least one question. Parents can be left feeling unsure and even scared after they google.
Everyone can google, we know that, but Google is not your doula! One benefit of hiring a First Coast Doulas is not having to sift through the sea of craziness that is the internet!! You’ll love being able to email, text, or call us with questions or concerns anytime day or night 24/7, from the moment you hire us. Your concerns about your pregnancy are our priority and we support, comfort, and guide you through this time in life because when you choose us as your compassionate guides you are getting a Sherpa, a birth Sherpa if you will. “Asking your husband to be your sole guide through labor is like asking him to lead the way on a climb of Mt Everest. He may be smart and trustworthy, you may love him, but in the Himalayas you’d both be a lot better off with a Sherpa!” – Pam England
A couple of our clients have actually said, "Google is not your doula", you should blog about that! We love this and decided to share so others are in the know!
First Coast Doulas doesn't replace your internet. That's obvious, but we're in the know and help you make sense of the info overload. We also don't take over your partner's role. We support the both of you! We listen to your concerns and help you sort through how you feel about it all.
We do all of this, wait for it... without an agenda!
What does "without an agenda" mean you ask? In simply means judgment -free, we stand for what you stand for along your journey. We do this confidently and with our whole heart because we know this isn't about us, it's about you!
Let me dig a little deeper into this.
Many women think that doulas are for those who want a natural birth, that they don't like vaccines or Pitocin, that they are hippies who love homebirths and avoid obstetricians and hospitals like the plague.
Well, that's a misconception with First Coast Doulas it's a misconception! We come to you agenda and judgment-free, guaranteed. It's one of the reasons we are proud to say that we are the best doulas in Jacksonville, Florida. We say it un-apologetically and with all confidence because we live up to our word.
We don't force unsolicited advice or studies on you; you want information and a natural birth, great we can help you with that. Do you give no fucks about studies? Great, we support you too!
We can support your without needing you to explain anything, ever!
First Coast Doulas can, if you'd like help you look at risks versus benefits for everything under the sun; homebirth versus hospital, un-medicated versus medicated, moving around in labor, versus just lying still.
In the end though, no matter what you decide you will be supported, not tolerated. You will feel validated, not shunned, because that's how we roll!
Simplify your life during this pregnancy, hire First Coast Doulas. Remember Google is not your doula and First Coast Doulas supports you!