Induction of Labor | 10 Questions to Ask | 5 Things You Can Do Now
It's true, most babies will come when they are ready for life outside the womb, but sometimes induction of labor is suggested by the care giver or desired by the pregnant person. ACOG recommendations support a normal, full-term pregnancy lasting between 39 weeks and 0 days and 41 weeks and 6 days as long as both the mother and the baby are doing well and there is no medical indication for the induction.
I'm facing an induction of labor. Now what?
If this suggestion was based primarily on dates alone and you are within the range of normal and full-term (see ACOG above) first ask yourself how are you feeling about this suggestion. Sit with that for a minute and reflect.
Are you feeling kosher with the idea? If yes, there's nothing wrong with that. Many moms share your excitement and enthusiasm to have their baby in their arms now rather than later. If no, that's perfectly normal as well. It's a very personal decision either way. The next thing to do would be to talk with your provider about his/her suggestion.